Thursday, June 11, 2009

life is a salad!!

a salad that's tangy, tasty, revolting, healthy & crunchy...
different emotions form the different flavours...

the usual suspects in flavours like love, trust, honesty, diplomacy
are all there...but do they exclusively make up our life?

all of us are grey, no one us totally black or white...
yet we keep on denying the grey flavours - jealousy, anger, hatred,
we wish them away from our life but they are all there all the same...

being humans that we are, it's ok to be jealous once in a while,
it's ok to be frustrated,
it's ok darling...absolutely ok...
it's ok to be angry and vent your anger out...instead of keeping it as
a bottled pickle in our system...
it's ok to answer back with a quick retort...none of us are Ms. Goody
Two Shoes all 24X7 ...
and it's absolutely essential to accept the fact that neither you can let go...

don't feel so much guilt (maybe my guilt system is over developed)
kick some ass, walk off, sulk, bitch, gossip, shout...
let go...once in a while...

believe me, you'll feel so refreshed & rejunavated after it...
it's all these grey flavours that are there in some proportion in our
so why not simply acknowledge them & make peace instead of trying to
be Ms. Goody Two Shoes all the time...

remember life is a order to appreciate the sweet
flavoursyou need a knowledge of all the bitter and the sour flavours
as well...

all said and done, these grey flavours are not the main flavours in my
life...they are just the seasoning...mind it! ;-)


Invisible said...

So we dont need to order salad for dinner tonite right ? :P

ok ok bad joke..

muthu said...

haha... a nice one yaar.

And yeah, we are made up of all things good and grey... To know and accept what we are- to make peace with our own- Your post was to the point and good.

loved the way you ended the write up saying that the Grey colors were just for seasoning...

muthu said...

Hey, And add followers gadget to your blog. It help to keep up with you new posts.. :)

Term papers said...

It really was an Interesting to read That life is a salad!!
a salad that's tangy, tasty, revolting, healthy & crunchy.
different emotions form the different flavors.the usual suspects in flavors like love, trust, honesty, diplomacy
are all there...but do they exclusively make up our life?

Unknown said...

Awesome view of life as a salad. Loved it so much... Hope to read posts like this from you.