Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Review of "There's Something About You" by Yashodhara Lal

Title: There's Something About You
Author: Yashodhara Lal
Available at: Flipkart

First all the disclaimers: "There's Something About You" is not a romantic novel despite the suggestive title. It is a book about a woman who is struggling with all the petty issues that life has an uncanny habit of throwing at us, from time to time. No job, dependant parents, dwindling finances and an irritating-but-meaning-well mom! And of course, no boyfriend and the constant pressure of "settling-down"!!! 

Add to this the emotional turmoil of having a father who is suffering from the dreaded Alzheimer's disease and seeing him go south a little every single day. The once strong and protective father has now turned into a dependant and needy person and it is really heart-breaking to watch this facet of life, every single day.

Trish handles all of this and much more with aplomb till she encounters a stalker, whose life she has also saved before. Yup, it's tricky! Add an agony aunt column to the roller-coaster ride, which Trish does for purely financial reasons. Trish tries to take revenge on her editor, which backfires in such a miraculous way that Trish becomes an overnight celebrity, much to her chagrin. It is a good stress-buster for her as it allows her to let off steam in her characteristic sarcastic way! 

The ending is also superb as it shows how unpredictable life can be. What might seem as a "bane" one moment can actually turn out to be a "boon" a few moments later. Trish's financial issues get sorted out and she also starts to live life on her own terms instead to toeing the line of her bosses.

I got this book from the "Flipkart Review Program" and i finished it in two sittings flat. All in all, a worthy tale of our middle-class life and the struggles that we go through! The book amply demonstrates that there is a rainbow at the end of the dark and dreary grey clouds.