Saturday, June 11, 2016

Review of "Losing my Religion" By Vishwas Mudagal

Book: "Losing my Religion"
Author: Vishwas Mudagal
Available at: Flipkart

It is said that "if you want to make God laugh then tell him your plans." The same can be said about this book, which takes the reader on a wild and unpredictable ride altogether. I got this book as part of the "Flipkart Book Review Program."

Rishi Rai wants to make his name in the field of gaming and revolutionize the lacklustre industry altogether. However, as per the above-adage he goes on a wild and unpredictable ride as all spheres of his life get affected and fall flat one after the other. 

Then he meets Alex, who is as different from him like chalk from cheese. What's even more surprising is that the both of them click off in a very bizarre way.  Alex influences Rishi's life to such an extent that the latter decides to chuck up everything and go on an unpredictable journey with him across the length and breadth of India.

They traverse the length and breadth of India and see the country in a whole new light. This journey opens up Rishi and makes him see not only the country but himself also in a whole new light. He also meets the vivacious Kyra and falls in love with him. Little does he know that with Kyra he will embark on a whole new adventure altogether.

The narrative keeps you hooked and as you turn one page after the other, you want to understand the new twist in the story and savour it, before the next one comes along!

The book reinforces the belief that the more you make plans the more they fall flat. It encourages you to live in the moment and live life to the fullest.