Tuesday, November 11, 2008

teri aadat si ho gayi hai...

i said "teri aadat si ho gayi hai..."
i was shocked myself...
an action can become a habit,
but how can a person become a habit? i asked myself...
but my words were true-
in their weight

"teri aadat si ho gayi hai..."
i repeated again...
i found a poetic quality in these words
and a reassurance too...

'i can't explain'
i said to the world...
but i meant every ounce and every pound of it...

"teri aadat si ho gayi hai..."
meant in a way,
that i was taking him for granted...
that was a wee bit sad...

"teri aadat si ho gayi hai..."
also meant in a way,
that he is an integral part of my life...
isn't it?

an action is an innocent bystander...
you admit him in your life
repeatedly and make him a part of your life...
then that 'action' becomes a habit...

you are a habit...

you are not just 'any' person in my life...
you are a habit...