Friday, September 21, 2007

a door is closed...
a window is pushed open...

she says bye...
he says hi...

da sun sets....
da stars shine...

electricity goes...
candle's lite dances...

a stone sinks in the pond...
da ripples reach the shore...

da birds fly home...
mah door-bell rings...

da flowers bloom...
da leaves wither...

da thunder-strom rages...
da rainow is being manufactured...

derz birth...
derz also sickness...

smbdy clipz ur wings...
smbdy gives u da wind...

u gt reviews...
u gt bonuses too...

der a tear...
n derz a wink too...

i retire...
u hire...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Broken Leg,
Weak&Yellin Muscles,
Tired NerveEndingz,
pinchin blood capillaries,
buzzin tendons,
pureed Phalanges,
shakin kneecap,
jumpy jumpy heel-bone,
internetty Interphalangeal Joints,
swollen quadriceps,
bubblegummy ligamentz,


rarin-2-go-shoppin spirit,
but on-a-song-Me!