Thursday, March 19, 2009

a tunnel that lasted for four years...

finally finally i see some light, no a tiny ray of 'what-to-do'...
it took 4years and then some...
lots of tears and lots of sighs...
lots of missed beats...
lots of 'oh-my-gawds'...
lots of missed-buses...
lots of droopy eyes...
lots of depression...
lots of frustration...

still its a tiny ray...but am happy...
derz a callin somewhere...
i hear a tiny whisper...
i hear it finally...
it eluded me for quite a while...
maybe i was deaf or pretended not to hear...
it persisted
and finally i succumbed...

a new road...
a new path...
am walking down it...
finally i am happy...

cheerz2me :)

1 comment:

Anupam said...

Good Wish you all da luck and blessings in this world.. Inshallah Jeet hamari hogi :)